Authorization Plugin Specification


Each authorization plugin must have a file called index.js. index.js must be able to deliver a a Koop registration object. This object should have the following minimum content:

    type: 'auth',
    authenticate: Function,
    authorize: Function,
    name: 'my-auth-plugin',
    version: require('../path/to/package.json').version

The object above may be assigned to module.exports directly; alternatively, module.exports may be assigned an initialization function that returns the registration object on execution. This approach is useful if you need to pass options into the authentication plugin (see an example).

The table below contains a brief description of the registration object. Note that the listed functions make up authorization plugin’s API. Koop adds these functions to each provider’s Model prototype, which makes them available in output plugins.

property type description
type String Must be set to auth; identifies the plugin as an authorization plugin during registration
authorize Function Verfies a user has authorization to make a requests (e.g., a token is validated)
authenticate Function Authenticates a user’s requests based on submitted input (credentials, key, etc)
name String Name of the plugin
version String Plugin version number

Details about each of the API functions are found below.

authenticate authenticate(req) ⇒ Promise

Param Type Description
req object Express request object. Credentials for authentication should be found in the query object.

Authorization plugins must include a function called authenticate that returns a promise. Its purpose is to validate credentials and, if successful, issue a token for authorizing subsequent resource requests. If the authentication is unsuccessful the promise should reject with an error object. The error should have a code property with value 401. If the authentication is successful, the promise should resolve an object with the following properties:

  token: String, // token that can be added to resource requests, and decoded and verified by the "authorization" function
  expires: Number, // number seconds until token expires

Authorization plugins are free to validate credentials in any manner. For example, you might check a database for a match of the submitted username and password, or forward the credentials on to a third-party identity-store. koop-auth-direct-file provides an example of a very basic credential validation using a simple JSON file-store.

authorize function authorize(req) ⇒ Promise

Param Type Description
req object Express request object. Query parameter or header should include input (e.g., token) that can be used to prove previously successful authentication

Authorization plugins are required to implement a function called authorize. It should accept the Express request object as an argument, which that can be used to verify the request is being made by an authenticated user (e.g., validate a token in the authorization header). If the identity of the request user is unknown or can’t be determined (e.g., due to a missing or invalid token) the promise should reject with an error object that contains a 401 code. If the token is valid, but the user is not authorized to access the requested resource, the promise should be rejected with an error that contains a 403 code. Successful authorization should allow the promise to resolve. An example of an authorize function can be viewed here.

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