Provider Specification - registration object

Every provider must have a file called index.js that exports an object literal. Its purpose is to tell Koop how to load and use the provider. Below is an example for the Koop 3.x specification:

module.exports = {
  name: 'new-provider-name',
  type: 'provider',
  version: require('<path-to-package.json>').version,
  Model: require('<path-to-model-class-module>'),
  hosts: true,
  disableIdParam: false,
  routes: require('<path-to-routes-array-module>'),
  Controller: require('<path-to-controller-module>'),

The table below describes the keys in more detail:

Key Required? Type Description
type Yes string Identifies the plugin type; should have value 'provider'
name Yes string A URL safe string that identifies the provider; used as part of the routes to provider data
version Yes string version number of the provider
Model Yes class The Model class or require for the Model class module
hosts No Boolean Adds a :host parameter in routes
disableIdParam No Boolean Removes the default :id parameter from routes
routes No object[] An array of route objects that expose routes specific to this provider
Controller No class The Controller class that supports handling for provider routes

As an alternative to exporting an object literal, you can instead have index.js export an initialization function that returns the registration object. This is useful if you need to dynamically set registration properties:

module.exports = function(options = {}) {
  // Allow name to be set by options
  const name = ? : 'example-provider'

  return {
    type: 'provider',
    hosts: true
    disableIdParam: false
    Model: require('./model'),
    version: require('../package.json').version

Note that you would need to execute the above initialization function during registration:

const provider = require('<npm-or-path-to-provider>')({ name: 'my-provider' })

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